Congressman Steve King

Representing the 4th District of Iowa


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As a sovereign nation, we must control and secure our borders. It is troubling that the levels of illegal immigration continue to rise and that the Rule of Law is not being enforced. I believe we only encourage illegal immigration by discussing amnesty for the 12-20 million illegal immigrants living in the United States today. I adamantly oppose amnesty, regardless of the guise under which it is presented. Amnesty pardons immigration lawbreakers and rewards them with the objective of their crime—citizenship. I believe we must tighten and strengthen our border control efforts. I have traveled to the southern border and have seen the unprotected areas that allow the free flow of illegal immigrants into our country. Allowing illegal immigration to flourish is a threat to our national security.

I have seen the fences being built on the border by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol. I have watched illegal immigrants scale these fences and easily move between the United States and Mexico. To address this, I have designed a concrete border wall proposal. I have 35 years of experience in the earth-moving, drainage and concrete construction business, which gives me the background to design an effective wall. My concrete wall would function as both a human and vehicle barrier, inspired by the success of the concrete wall in Israel. My design is cost efficient, easy to construct and impenetrable. This design would funnel illegal traffic to our ports of entry, where it can be reasonably controlled by our nation's customs and border patrol agents.

In addition to a physical deterrent, I believe we must shut off the job magnets that encourage illegal immigrants to come to the United States. I have authored New IDEA, the Illegal Deduction Elimination Act, which would protect American jobs for American workers. New IDEA would make wages and benefits paid to illegal immigrants nondeductible for federal tax purposes. This would eliminate the incentive of hiring illegal workers to employ cheap labor. New IDEA would also make E-Verify permanent and provide "safe harbor" for employers who use this employment eligibility system. My legislation would also create an information sharing system between the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration. By using an automated system to verify employment authorization, and by sharing this information amongst three federal agencies, false identification documents and illegal workers will be identified more easily.

In addition to border security and workplace enforcement, our nation must eliminate needless incentives that encourage illegal immigration and cost taxpayers significant amounts of money each year. I do not believe it is in the best interest of our nation to continue tolerating the practice of illegal aliens giving birth to children in the U.S. in order to obtain citizenship for the child, then moving back to their country of origin with the hopes of achieving uninhibited access to our country for as many family members as possible. This is why I have introduced H.R. 140, the Birthright Citizenship Act of 2011, to limit birthright citizenship to a child born in the United States to at least one parent who is a U.S. citizen or national, a legal permanent resident living in the United States, or an individual who is serving on active duty status in the U.S. Armed Forces.

As the Vice-Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Immigration, I will continue to support an immigration policy designed to enhance the economic, social and cultural well-being of the United States. Immigrants have made, and will continue to make, a valuable contribution to our nation. Through assimilation, immigrants will benefit from our shared American culture of individual freedom, personal responsibility, and patriotism. A major component of assimilation is being proficient in English. For centuries, the English language has been the uniting force in this great nation. Studies continue to show that those who know English get better jobs, earn higher wages and are less dependent on the government. For these reasons, I have authored the English Language Unity Act to make English the official language of the United States government.

More on Immigration

Aug 16, 2018 Press Release

Today, the independent, nonpartisan Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a study requested in 2015 by U.S. Congressmen Steve King (R-IA) and Pete Sessions (R-TX) entitled "Criminal Alien Statistics: Information on Incarcerations, Arrests, Convictions, Costs, and Removals." This report provides information on criminal aliens in the United States from fiscal years 2011 through 2016.

Jun 27, 2018 Press Release

King leads House effort to successfully defeat both bills in Paul Ryan’s Amnesty Agenda


Jun 27, 2018 Press Release

Remarks Offered as King Works to Defeat Paul Ryan’s Sweeping Amnesty Legislation

Washington, D.C.- Congressman Steve King releases video of a special order speech he delivered on the floor of the House of Representatives on the subject of illegal immigration. King’s remarks are especially timely and are offered as the House is considering Paul Ryan’s sweeping Amnesty legislation. King opposes Amnesty, and will be voting against the Ryan Amnesty legislation.

Jun 26, 2018 Column

In one ruling, the Supreme Court has delivered two major victories to President Trump. The first victory is obvious: Trump v. Hawaii validates the President’s broad authority to restrict entry of specified foreign nationals into the United States when the President finds such entry is “detrimental to the interests of the United States.”

Jun 22, 2018 Press Release

Congressman Steve King releases the following video of remarks he delivered last night on the House floor on the subjects of immigration and border security. King is a nationally recognized leader on the two subjects, and a long time champion of building a Border Wall on the US-Mexico border.

Jun 20, 2018 Press Release

Phyllis Schlafly’s sons urge President Trump to reject House Amnesty proposals

Jun 19, 2018 Press Release

Washington Times: DACA kids approved despite murder, rape and sex crimes arrests

Fox News: Thousands of DACA recipients with arrest records, including 10 accused murderers, allowed to stay in US

Jun 19, 2018 Press Release

Data Obtained by Congressman King Blows Lid Off DACA Recipients’ Criminal Records

Jun 14, 2018 Press Release

“What we do know paints a disturbing picture of our government placing the desire for legalization at all costs ahead of its own stated criteria and public safety.”

Jun 13, 2018 Press Release

Steve Bannon Delivers Immigration Warning at Conservative Opportunity Society Event

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